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Home - Products - Hofmann balancer

Aerospace & Industrial Power

2019-10-22 237


      Hofmann has supplied balancing systems for applications in the aerospace and industrial power industries for more than 30 years. Our product team is dedicated to providing balancing solutions for applications including gas turbines, steam turbines, air cycle machines, air starter systems, gyroscopes, and many other associated accessories for aircraft, marine, and industrial power applications.

      Complete turnkey solutions for these industries can be provided, including horizontal and vertical balancing systems, balance tooling packages, high-speed systems, moment scales, blade distribution software, accessories, and training in balancing theory and applications engineering. Hofmann is now the leader in establishing new mechanical designs and in accomplishing new sensitivity requirements for the aerospace and utility industries.


      User in China : Suzhou Safran ,South Pratt & Whitney,AECC-Shengyang aero-engine, AECC-Chengdu aero-engine,  AECC- Guiyang aero-engine